Go from frazzled freelancer to 
confident business owner 

The Profitable Freelancer is a foundational 8-week business + marketing program giving you every fundamental you need to run a lucrative, low-stress business.

  • Marketing
  • Processes
  • Client Management

Go from
frazzled freelancer to 
confident business owner 

The Profitable Freelancer is a foundational 8-week business + marketing program giving you everything you need to run a lucrative, low-stress,
smooth-as-butter business.

  • Marketing
  • Processes
  • Client Management

Should it be this hard to:

Find clients?

At the bus stop, the grocery, the playground — everybody’s interested. But when push-comes-to-proposal, nobody wants to sign on that dotted line. You tried a few ads, sent a few cold pitches, but the leads just trickle in...and a pitiful few turn into actual, paying clients.

Manage clients?

Missed meetings. Constant ghosting. Unreasonable demands (2 AM emails expecting your updates by morning??). It’s in their best interest to answer your questions and give you feedback. So why does managing clients feel like pulling teeth?

Make real money?

You’re working All. The. Time. but your income still looks like a side gig. Clients try to bargain you down, offer you “perks” (no thanks, “exposure” doesn’t pay the bills) or worse — agree to a price, then go AWOL after you send the bill. You’re a business, not a tzedaka...right?



Do you have to feel “hectic” — constantly?
Do you have to second-guess your responses — constantly?
Do you have to deal with aggravation — constantly?

(while not even making enough for the headache to be worthwhile???)


In fact, when you structure your business right, with the right —

  • Pricing
  • Positioning
  • Processes
  • Marketing systems

You’ll find that running a business can be deeply enjoyable and satisfying. 😊

But don’t feel bad. 
It’s not your fault.

There’s a deep, dark reason that managing your business sometimes feels rocky and disjointed.

Are you ready?

going in
3…. 2…. 1….

But here's the thing:
you were never shown how.

Sure, you got intense training on the technical skills. 

But in all your courses and webinars and lectures and worksheets
— did anyone ever show you:

How to....

Negotiate with a prospect confidently — without feeling insecure (or giving in to Imposter Syndrome)?

Identify the “uh-oh” clients — and spot red flags *before* saying yes?

Attract the “good” clients — the ones you’ll genuinely enjoy working with?

Decline a nightmarish prospect — even if they’re ready to pay?

Manage a non-responsive client — or preempt that scenario to begin with?

Respond to the scope-creeper client — the one who always wants “just one more thing”?

Price your work for its market value and skill level — and regularly raise rates?

Create solid processes that show professionalism — and keep projects running smoothly?

Operate as a premium provider — not a cute freelancer working out of their basement?

Market yourself to steadily attract quality clients who’ll pay your rates — on time, and with pleasure?

They taught you the skills, the tricks of the trade.
But did they teach you the day-to-day?

Did they teach you how to set up a streamlined business that leads to a steady and growing income (one of the key reasons you did all that training to begin with!)?


Here’s the good news:

Learning these skills is a WHOLE lot easier than acquiring the skills of your trade.

So you’ve already done the hardest part.
And you don’t need a 4-year degree to run a profitable freelance business.

What you do need is the foundations of business, marketing, and client management.

Which you can get, in just 9 (intense) weeks. 

The Profitable Freelancer

A foundational training program for creative professionals that gives you the confidence, clarity, and processes to honestly call yourself a
business owner.

Learn core business fundamentals across 10 engaging trainings, within an active, thoughtful community — and turn your talent into a consistently profitable business.

Because it's never as simple as get job, do job, get money. 😉

“This is not a course. It's an incubator to help launch your business”

Before, I was accepting whichever clients happened to call, without any process, and I was definitely undercharging for my services. Now, I have much more direction. I’m raising my rates, sending out contracts, and asking for deposits. I'm working on figuring out which types of jobs/clients I want to be working for (and which I don't). I'm also developing more confidence in reaching out to new clients.

This program propelled me from a scattered, shooting-in-the-dark, part-time freelancer to the owner of a bez"H growing business. That change in mindset alone was worth it!

— Gila Arnold, The Storyseller Copywriter

“Today, 85% of my leads are from connections & collaborations
I've made through the program"

I was nervous about signing up because it was an intensely busy time for me and my family. Even though I wasn’t able to devote as much time to the program as I would have liked, I gained tremendously. The program was a goldmine.

I came into the program with a freelancer mindset; today I have the mindset of a business owner. Michal — along with the super-fun-yet-serious Slack community — taught me to set goals, work with bigger clients, and develop a process that makes my business much smoother. And as my skills and experience increase, I also gained the confidence to raise my rates regularly.

I was active on LinkedIn beforehand — but now, I'm reaching my income goal even without LinkedIn. Today, 85% of my leads are from connections & collaborations I've made through the program.

— Gitty Friedman, Designer and Developer

“Better policies for a more efficient business”

I wanted my business to run more efficiently, and thereby become more profitable. I’ve implemented much of what I’ve learned in the program, setting up better policies for running my business. Plus, I was able to connect with other CopyTribers and collaborate with them on projects.

— Rocheli Elefant, Designer

"A year after the program, I’m getting high-quality clients,
consistent work, and a significantly higher income"

So many courses out there are fluff. But everything Michal covers is practical. The Sales Process module specifically gave me the clarity I was missing. I created a process for my business, and feel confident, knowing I am doing it right.

— Esti Wolodarsky, Web Designer

“So...what will I get in The Profitable Freelancer?”

One LIVE meet-and-greet group call to get cozy and comfortable (before we get all serious about upping our game...and building long-lasting connections with fellow professionals)

Ten value-packed Business Management Modules on processes, pricing, marketing, and client management. AKA every fundamental you need to run a lucrative business

✔ Live Q&A calls with Michal on processes, pricing, marketing, and client management. AKA every fundamental you need to run a lucrative business

Lifetime access to our buzzing Slack community where you’ll enjoy eye-opening conversations, warm camaraderie, and invaluable relationships (read: future collaborations) with creative professionals you come to know and trust

Daily office hours from experts so you get answers to your questions (“How do I answer THIS client?!”), exceptional guidance as you figure it all out, and support from warm, experienced mentors who get it

LIVE Bonus Masterclass from
award-winning business consultant
Estie Starr, on building a predictable system to turn leads into buyers

LIVE Bonus Masterclass from business consultant Nechy Sampson, on how to craft an effective marketing strategy for a service business — even on a tight budget

Complete Vault of 7 Past Profitable Freelancer Masterclasses from business experts, including Amy Posner, Abbey Woodcock, Elisheva Perlman, David Fryman, Wendy Maynard, and Yoel Judowitz

Three make-it-real challenges — carefully reviewed and scored by experts. So your knowledge goes from “theoretical” to “practical” (and you build key brand collateral in the process)

Live Q&A at the end of each module - where you can ask questions on the material (or anything!), crystallize your understanding, and feel energized from the engaging

Lifetime access to all videos + recordings, so you can review trainings on your own time  (read: it's time to raise your prices...what's the best way to let clients know again?)

Visual-heavy slide decks from all trainings, so if you need a quick refresher of any of the modules in 2 or 3 years’ time, you can do it in minutes

The Comprehensive Freelancer Contract we've spent 5+ years refining — with ALL the terms & clauses that will protect you (so you don’t have to learn through *pricey* mistakes and weeks of grief)

(Sells for: $195)

The Ultimate Proposal Template to create proposals that impress & convert. With detailed descriptions of the 8 must-have sections (plus specific samples), you won't omit anything that your client expects. So you can create a winning proposal, even if
it's your first

(Sells for: $97)

The Complete Retainer Contract to help you land and structure low-stress and
high-income gigs

(Sells for: $97)

The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Copywriters, with clear pricing direction for 105 common copy types (AKA the encyclopedic guide to freelance copywriter rates — trusted by 650+ copywriters worldwide)

(Sells for: $197)

“My business is more streamlined and profitable”

I joined hoping to gain confidence and boost my earning potential. From the very first class, I felt my mindset shifting from “freelancer” to “business owner.” Thanks to The Profitable Freelancer, my business is now more streamlined and profitable. I have a solid onboarding and offboarding process that keeps the projects flowing smoothly.

— Esti Meisels, CEO & Web Designer

“I have a lot more tools. I'm bringing more value to my clients — and that shows in every interaction”

Before, I was starting to get bigger projects with the types of clients I wanted, but didn't know how to handle it, both in terms of actual skill, the workflow, and organizing my business. I was lacking the "formal training" and the confidence that comes along with it.

Now, there is a structure to everything and I know the rules. The people, support, and new relationships were game-changers. I have a lot more tools and am bringing more value to my clients — and that shows in every interaction.

— Racheli Fakheri
B2B Tech Conversion Copywriter & Website Strategist

“Amazing clarity + business mindset — I’m a fan!”

I’ve been in business for 12 years already — I’m no newbie — and I still say: Michal’s courses are worth every penny, for the amazing clarity and business mindset they provide. Thanks Michal — I’m a real fan!

— Shia Teichman, CEO
Gallop Branding

“Details, details, I want details!”

What’s inside those modules???

10 content-packed modules to help you become
skilled, confident, and empowered


Mindset, Money & Other Key Secrets You Need to Know

  • Understand how shifting from a freelance to business mindset makes all the difference to your bottom line
  • Prioritize WHICH jobs you want to accept and know what to do to get started
  • Learn the eye-opening truth about niching: why it actually gets you more work — not less
  • Discover how to build your own brand — and boost your value in the process


A Fundamental Guide to Pricing & Packages

  • Understand the value of tracking your time...even if you’re the Big Boss
  • Appreciate why pricing by the hour will mostly shoot you in the foot (but when it can work well)
  • See how to determine prices that are fair for you AND for your client
  • Discover how to raise prices strategically so clients don't go AWOL
  • Learn how to put together attractive, value-loaded packages that aren’t overwhelming for you


How to Spot Great Clients — and Close the Deal

  • Learn why a rock-solid sales process solves problems before they develop
  • See how to filter those clients you DON’T want to work with
  • Develop the skills to take command of sales calls — projecting confidence and answering tough questions
  • Discover the 5 core elements of a high-converting proposal


How to Manage Clients So You Don’t Develop an Ulcer — and They Don’t Stop Singing Your Praises

  • Learn the 6 core steps of any successful freelance project
  • Understand what great onboarding looks like — and why it’s so valuable
  • Get the tools you need to develop your own processes — and make your clients happy
  • Discover the most common pitfalls of client management...and how to avoid them


How to Write Professional, Polite Emails That Get Positive Responses

  • Grasp the fundamentals of professional emails (and why no service provider should be without these tricks)
  • Master the art of a positivity sandwich — and learn why it is often critical
  • Understand why offering a way out is crucial in sales correspondence (and how NOT to do it wrong)
  • Uncover how to remove emotional responses from your emails...even when you're upset


Practical + Professional (and Sanity-Saving) Email Strategies

  • Gain language to respond effectively to requests for “just a little” free work
  • Learn how to respond firmly and maintain your boundaries, without turning off your client
  • Know when an email *needs* a call in response — not an email response
  • Get strategies for productive — not annoying — email follow up


How to Predictably Generate Leads (Without a Cent on Paid Ads)

  • Take the marketing know-how you’ve developed so far and start applying it to your own marketing
  • Get introduced to the SWON method and tap into your natural strengths to ignite your business
  • Learn the pros and cons of inbound vs. outbound marketing
  • Understand the role of LinkedIn and other social media in networking and attracting the right clientele
  • Uncover the trade secrets of email pitches that get you the job


How to Build a Sales-Boosting LinkedIn Profile — Even If You
Never Post

  • Recognize the purpose of your profile and how to present yourself in a professional + engaging way
  • Get pointed recs on promoting your skills & accomplishments in your summary — minus any bragging
  • Get an overview of the different profile elements and how to optimize each one
  • Grasp why some headshot or image — even your logo — is better than none
  • Apply best copy practices throughout your LinkedIn profile


How to Use LinkedIn to Get More (and Steadier) Leads

  • Build a lead-generating system using strengths you already have
  • Understand the 2 crucial elements of any LinkedIn strategy: consistency and value
  • Know how to create interesting, easy-to-read posts that people want to engage with
  • Stop wavering “should I/shouldn’t I” over connection requests and just KNOW


What Sets Apart Star Freelancers (and How You Can Become More Like Them)

  • Learn the best way to phrase a question in Slack to get the most (and most helpful) responses
  • Understand what makes people refer a professional — and how to be that person who gets referred
  • See examples of no-nos and must-dos when asking for free help or guidance from a mentor

But that’s not all!

Enroll now, and get nine value-popping bonus masterclasses from business experts

with award-winning business consultant Estie Starr

The Client Conversion Kit
A Predictable System to Turn Your Leads Into Buyers

Estie Starr built a multiple six-figure business in under two years with zero dollars in ad-spend (while raising five kids!). She is an award-winning business consultant and marketing strategist who helps small business owners earn more money with less headache.

She believes every person can build a professional business doing what they love — and make buckets of money at the same time.

In this
LIVE masterclass from Estie, you’ll learn:

  • a proven method for landing your first 10 clients
  • the key to attracting your ideal clients without paid advertising
  • the science behind a sales call that enables you to smoothly close deals
  • the secret to creating viral word-of-mouth campaigns

Bonus #002

from business consultant
Nechy Sampson

Craft a Marketing Strategy for ANY Service Business — then Offer to Execute on it

All businesses are different, but you can use the very same framework to generate strategic ideas you never knew you had! Nechy Sampson uses a repeatable method in her strategy sessions with service businesses across the spectrum, from Mom & Pop shops to B2B corporate clients.

In this class, you’ll learn the core elements of a simple marketing strategy for service businesses. You’ll walk away with a step-by-step guide that you can pull out whenever you need to strategize. You'll also learn how to run your ideas through the will-it-work checklist and how to offer your services to execute on the strategy you recommend.

In this bonus masterclass, you’ll get answers to these questions:

  • When should I offer to help with strategy?
  • My client lacks the budget for a marketing team. How can I help them decide what deliverables they need?
  • Everyone else in this industry ‘just puts in an ad.’ Are there effective alternatives?
  • I have some ideas for a sales strategy, but how can I know if they’re likely to work or likely to be DOA?
Nechy Sampson

Complete Vault of Expert Masterclasses

The Building Blocks Of Masterful Branding
By Elisheva Perlman

How to Consistently Craft a Killer Creative Brief —
and Use It To Create Unignorable Brands

The Complete Freelancer Guide to Business Setup
By David Fryman

Everything You Need to Know About Setting Up
Your Business Legally  — and Strategically

Master the LinkedIn Game
By Yoel Judowitz

Generating Leads and Growing Your Business with Great Content

All Weather Clients
By Abbey Woodcock

How To Consistently Fill Your Freelance Client Roster With High-paying Clients...Without Samples, Years of Experience, or A Website

The Elegant Sales Conversation
By Dov Gordon

How To Master The Sales Call Even If You Hate Selling

Create a Webinar that Sells for You on Autopilot
By Wendy Maynard

How to Generate Quality Leads by Demonstrating Value + Authority

Align Price and Position...and Land Better Clients
By Amy Posner

How to Position Yourself as the Service Provider that Clients Are Lining Up to Hire

“I’m attracting better-paying clients”

I developed much more confidence in my pricing and have an easier time saying no to jobs that won't suit my long-term goals. I got my business branding (website, logo, business email account, etc.) DONE. I have more confidence in my branding, pricing, and skills.

I am attracting better-paying clients, and have no qualms saying no to the ones who cannot pay my rates.

— Elisheva Blumberg, Copywriter

“So much depth and detail...if you miss a minute, you’ve missed a gem”

The amount of knowledge delivered in each module was incredible, and the depth and detail of the material exceeded all my expectations. If you miss a minute, you've missed a gem.

This program is a place to be supported and support others. A place to get help and help others. A place to learn more — and of course, to make a whole bunch of new friends.

— Minky Katz, Designer


I’m Michal. Conversion Copywriter, Marketing Strategist, and rabid netball enthusiast.

Just eight years ago, I was a frazzled (and underpaid) feature writer, agency copywriter, and part-time speech therapist — embracing every job under the sun and convincing myself I should feel happy getting arachis hypogaea (AKA peanuts).  

I loved my work — it was stimulating, meaningful, and challenging — but I felt scattered...and somewhat resentful. Deep down, I knew I was giving far more value than the payments that plopped into my bank account.

In 2016, I launched a proper copywriting business and went all in — and in 3 years, 10xed my monthly revenue.

(^^Sharing this because I want you to know that “grow your income” is not just a catchphrase on this page.)

I created The Profitable Freelancer to help freelancers like you run a lower-stress, higher-income business — and avoid all the things I learned the hard way.

Shameless show-off alert!!

(I 💓badges; indulge me) 

I’m an alumna of The Copywriter Accelerator program and The Copywriter Think Tank, an exclusive mastermind for high-level copywriters from around the world.

I’ve been honored to appear before some cool audiences, and my presentations  have been watched by hundreds of copywriters worldwide.

In recent years, industry leaders Kira Hug and Rob Marsh invited me to speak at their NYC & San Diego conferences, The Copywriter Club in Real Life, about building a sustainable, profitable business that ENHANCES your life — even when you don’t have decades of experience, and even when you’re a mom to several little kids.

Today, I run a boutique copywriting agency with an amazing team. And I am grateful to be typically booked 2-3 months in advance. I believe it’s because I’ve created a brand that attracts discerning clients who respect the process — and I want to show you how to do the same.

The contact form on my website right now

So why am I confident I can help you?

Because I traveled the path myself. 
Because I made a LOT of mistakes. 

And most importantly — because with siyata dishmaya, I’ve helped 407 writers, designers, and other creative professionals like you....

earn MUCH more money
★ feel MUCH more satisfaction
★ gain MUCH more peace of mind.

“I got a 30% raise in 24 hours!"

This program has been a life changer. I learned business management and processes...and gained confidence. 

Although I’ve been magazine writing for years, I was a TOTAL newbie at running a business. Now, I know how to filter leads (huge for me). I know how to respond to clients. I have a process that protects me and the client. The tools I gained in this program have given me confidence to charge my worth in my other writing (I got a 30% raise in 24 hours at one magazine!) and in the copy jobs I've gotten so far, and the outcome has, b”H, been significant.

— Ruchama Schnaidman
Ruchama Schnaidman Copywriting

“I recommend it to every freelancer I know”

There IS opportunity out there. There IS a way to leverage skills, grit and determination and transform them into a business. The Profitable Freelancer taught me how to set up my business from the ground up, empowering me with the tools to take ownership of my business. And now I recommend it to every freelancer I know. Because seriously, the hassle and headache of business management can run so many creatives into the ground before they even get a chance to get out there and show the world what they got.

If you're on the fence about this course, come on down!
Because running a business is no longer something to be afraid of. (Well, just a little bit.)

— Naomie Rubner, Copywriter & Brand Strategist

“The shortcut to freelancer professionalism

Here's what's nice: I'm not chasing clients. In fact, I turn down more leads than I accept.
Michal is famous for her crystal-clear teaching style, awesome slides, and rock-star freelance magic.

I basically got a map for a smooth, professional process (saving me years and tears).
Even better, the community (with its abundance of knowledge, support, and camaraderie) has my back every step of the way.

If you're interested in shortcutting your way to freelancer professionalism, you should consider
The Profitable Freelancer.

— Devora Sambrowsky, Copywriter

If you're serious about turning your talent into a business...
If you're serious about trading your client stress for strategy...
If you're serious about going from roller-coaster income to steady months...

You'll want to jump in now.

The Profitable Freelancer starts
Monday, November 6th.

“I’m confident in my abilities. I know how to charge my worth and get the job done right!”

My business was practically nonexistent. I was flying all over the place, winging it. Sometimes scoring it right, and sometimes, well...not. Now, I am confident in my abilities and know what I am doing (imposter syndrome no longer). I know how to charge my worth, get the job done efficiently, and get it done right! 

The content is superb! It's an all-inclusive program. It's a business strategy course, a reference guide, and a therapeutic support group all rolled into one.

— Bruchy Dushinsky, Copywriter

"This course is worth every penny"

After working as a freelance designer for a number of years, I was ready to take my business to the next level. I was looking to streamline my process, as well as improve my client communications.

Looking back, I can honestly say that this program was worth every penny!! I gained an overall mindset that I run a real business, not just a small freelance gig.

My process is now smooth and consistent, and my client communication has improved dramatically. Thank you for helping me acquire the tools and tips that I needed to bring my business forward.

— Sara Margolies , Founder & Web Designer

Meet the mods

Get answers to your burning client questions from experts with years of experience, as well as successful freelancers who are just 2-3 years ahead of you (and understand exactly how you feel right now).

Michal Eisikowitz

Michal is the founder of MichalEisikowitz.com, a micro agency that helps B2B SaaS brands replace
yawn-inducing website copy with engaging, data-driven messaging that resonates. She is also the founder of CopyTribe, an instructor-led, foundational online program for copywriters & freelancers that has trained 400+ entrepreneurs to date.

Nechy Sampson

Nechy runs her business, Owl Copy, from her Brooklyn basement, while her kids thump around upstairs. As a sales funnel copywriter, she’s helped 200+ businesses net millions in revenue. She also coaches ambitious freelancers in private sessions and in the GrowthMentor community. In her spare time, she sleeps.

Shterna Lazaroff

Shterna is a nonprofit copywriter. She works with organizations to develop
multi-million dollar asks – such as legacy & capital campaigns, cases for support, and high-level fundraising events. Her work has helped nonprofits get results like
$250,000 in click-through donations on
a single email.

Hannah Lipschutz

Hannah is an email strategist who helps
7-figure ecommerce businesses grow their revenue through email marketing. She’s called "dangerously good" by her clients, who’ve significantly increased their sales through email. When she’s not nerding out on strategy, she’s probably feeding her Haribo addiction.

Rochel Fried

Founder of Graphique Studio, Rochel has helped clients gain over $2 billion in
real estate assets through design. With over ten years of branding, design and
web development experience, Rochel uses intelligent design and messaging to craft compelling, effective, and memorable visuals that turn eyers into buyers.

Devorah Hager

Founder of Hooked™ — the bootcamp for training in-house marketing teams — Devorah is a copywriter & marketing consultant who specializes in B2B healthcare, SaaS and IT/telecom. She has helped over 100 businesses substantially increase sales, and sign on clients like Disney, Toyota, Lego and
Johnson & Johnson.

Assistant mods

Chana Klein

Rachel Fakheri

Naomie Rubner

Tali Perrin

Shevi Handelsman

Chana Greenstein

Rachel Friedlander

Shani Schmell

Goldy Buxbaum

Meet our coaches

After submitting each of the challenges, you’ll enjoy instructive comments + motivating feedback from experienced freelancers who have successfully navigated a similar business-building journey.

Their comments will help you sharpen your marketing assets & business processes. And their (specific!) compliments will keep you motivated — and empowered.

Nechy Sampson

Nechy Sampson

Nechy runs her business, Owl Copy, from her Brooklyn basement, while her kids thump around upstairs. As a sales funnel copywriter, she’s helped 200+ businesses net millions in revenue. She also coaches ambitious freelancers in private sessions and in the GrowthMentor community. In her spare time, she sleeps.

Chani Pollins

Chani was writing copy before she knew what it was. Five years ago, she found out that it was a THING, and was kinda
shell-shocked to find a career that was simultaneously lucrative, stimulating, and sooo doable as a working mom. Long story short, she got over that shock pretty quick, and she's been copywriting,
brand-strategying, and copy-coaching ever since. When she finds a spot of free time, she's happy to put her feet up and do nothing at all.

Orit Wittenberg

Orit is the co-founder of Silbo, a verbal identity studio that helps brands find their unique pulse and bring it to life through words. She and her partner blend 3 different schools of copywriting (brand, creative, and conversion) to distill each brand's essence into words that resonate, build trust, and do them justice.

Hannah Lipschutz

Hannah is an email strategist who helps
7-figure ecommerce businesses grow their revenue through email marketing. She’s called "dangerously good" by her clients, who’ve significantly increased their sales through email. When she’s not nerding out on strategy, she’s probably feeding her Haribo addiction.

Penina Ostroff

Penina stumbled across copywriting accidentally while working in the
non-profit space — and dove in head-first. Relishing using both sides of her brain in tandem, she produces strategic websites with a creative touch for delighted clients around the globe. Penina also spends hours every week helping newer copywriters hone their work.

Shterna Lazaroff

Shterna is a nonprofit copywriter. She works with organizations to develop
multi-million dollar asks – such as legacy & capital campaigns, cases for support, and high-level fundraising events. Her work has helped nonprofits get results like $250,000 in click-through donations on a single email.


You’re ready to run a real business. Join us if you want everything you need to attract better leads, feel confident when selling, and build a repeatable, client-satisfying process.

  • 6 Business Management Modules (60-90 minutes each)
     (AKA hours of guidance around pricing, processes, packaging, client management, and more)
  • 4 Marketing Modules (60-90 minutes each)
    (AKA hours of guidance around networking, collaboration-building, LinkedIn posting — and other proven tactics for finding work)
  • 3 MAKE-IT-REAL Challenges scored and reviewed in detail by handpicked prosso you implement what you’ve learned & build strong marketing materials
  • Moderated Slack Community to get questions answered daily by experts
  • LIVE Bonus Masterclasses from Estie Starr
  • LIVE Bonus Masterclass from Nechy Sampson
  • Complete Vault of 7 past Expert Masterclasses
  • LIFETIME Access to all videos + materials + calls
  • The Complete Freelancer Contract — so you can prevent 92% of all client management issues
  • The Complete Retainer Contract — so you land retainers that make you and your client happy, for the long-term
  • The Ultimate Proposal Template so you create proposals that impress & convert, even if it's your first
  • The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Copywriters — so you skip the agony of second-guessing every quote, and make sure you’re not highballing...or lowballing

/ month 
(four payments)

Pay upfront and get a $140 discount!
(one-time payment)

Enrollment ends Wednesday November 1, 11:59 pm ET


The Profitable Freelancer is an 8-week program that will begin November 6.

Want to speak to a previous grad directly — or have any questions for our team?
Please contact us at

Concerned about ribbis?

Concerns about the prohibition of paying and accepting interest (“ribbis”) 

The nature of paying for a course is such that, for students who pay in installments, the total of all the installments is the real price. For students who elect to pay all upfront, the “upfront price” includes a discount that is awarded for early payment. Therefore, students who forfeit the early-payment-discount by choosing not to pay upfront are not transgressing the prohibition of paying interest (provided that the final installment is paid no later than the day on which the course ends). Additionally, students who receive the discounted price by electing to pay all upfront, are not transgressing the prohibition of receiving interest, since they begin receiving value immediately upon payment (they'll receive a proprietary PDF resource via email immediately after purchase).

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee for You

I am so confident in this training program, I offer a money-back guarantee. If you spent 14 days in this program and don't feel it's a good fit for you...

Just contact us and you’ll get 100% of your money back.


So there's no risk. It's either money well spent, or money not spent.


Yes, they absolutely do! And no hard feelings. Sometimes it's not a fit.
We want you to invest in this program only if you’ll benefit from it. So feel free to try it out for 14 days and see if it’s for you.

If you’re a frum creative who is ready to professionalize your business
— we think you’ll stick around. (But we’ll still love you and support you if you don't. 😊)

“Infinite value to any freelancer in any field”

The material was so well presented, the classes so complete.
Michal has thought of every detail and delivered above and beyond.

— Malka Winner, Editor and Copywriter

“Soooo…is this course a magic bullet??”
NO, it is not
If you're looking for a magical overnight success scheme

— this is not it.
The magic of success happens when you combine:
on us
on us
that's on you
We give you everything you need to start off on the right foot. And if you're like hundreds of our previous grads....
You'll put in the hard work
— and see good results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What smart freelancers like you have asked before enrolling

Yes, all live sessions happen via Zoom, and all recorded trainings are delivered to your online course dashboard.

Here’s the thing: as a freelancer, you likely need Internet access anyway. There’s research you’ll have to do for each project, plus important online resources to keep you current in the field.

BUT there are lots of solid filtering options available. And if it’s a dealbreaker, you don’t have to let any level of Internet into your home: many Profitable Freelancer alumni rent office space. (They also love that when the day is over, work is over.) 

For the Profitable Freelancer 6.0, you’ll need to access:
- Google Drive
- Slack
- Zoom
- Podia

2-4 hours will give you enough time for trainings + challenges + keeping up in Slack.  And by the end of this incubator program:

  • You’ll have learned client management + process techniques that will drastically cut down the (unbillable) time you spend on client back’n’forth.
  • You’ll have a deep understanding of how to confidently price your work to account for the value you offer.
  • You may even have a LinkedIn profile up, and a strong workflow system in place. Those things take forever to do on your own.

Training videos will be released approximately once per week over 8 weeks, for an average of 90 minutes each. Live masterclasses will take place at 2 PM ET.

You’ll get a detailed schedule once you sign up.

Yes. The Profitable Freelancer is offered to both men and women — in two separate tracks. Once you enroll, we'll take care of the sorting.

No. You will have lifetime access to the recordings but you will need internet access to watch them.

Yes, I am definitely using marketing techniques to promote this course — I'd be a terrible teacher if I didn't! I use the very techniques I teach my students, because they're effective. That said — any copy I write is about persuading the RIGHT person to join and get value. If you're not a good fit, we’ll persuade you not to join the program. And if you ARE a good fit, I will use every technique in my arsenal to help you make a sound, informed decision, because I believe in this program — I know it works, and I want you to be able to access the transformational outcome it offers.

Michal will be giving all classes. She'll also be frequently checking questions in Slack and responding to them, or making sure they are answered clearly and comprehensively by our robust moderation team.

The Profitable Freelancer is cohort-based with ultimate accountability, in the form of challenges, check-ins, and deadlines — so the videos and content don’t just sit there, languishing in your Google Drive for eternity.

This is a program you’ll actually complete — and a program that will actually make a difference in your confidence, because you’re getting detailed, personal feedback on your skills and your processes.

  • Copywriters
  • Content writers
  • Graphic designers
  • Web developers
  • Photographers
  • Web designers
  • UI/UX specialists 
  • Space planners
  • Motion designers
  • Videographers
  • Interior designers
  • Editors

Maybe. Maybe not.

If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick course, this is not it. The people who do well in this program work hard. This program gives you all the tools and support you need to succeed — and many of our students make $5-$10K per month working part-time (!) — but you’ve got to put in the hard work for many months afterwards to make it happen.

If you're serious about running a lucrative and enjoyable freelance business, and you want proven, polished systems to run your business and manage clients — then the modules, masterclasses, challenges, cheatsheets, and templates in The Profitable Freelancer will  fast-track your growth.

No. You need to take CopyTribe to learn copywriting. We do cover client communication and marketing systems extensively, and some skills overlap.

Absolutely. Taking The Profitable Freelancer now will allow you to start finding clients and landing projects. It will also give you a taste of what the program is like, to help you decide about taking CopyTribe.

Yes, they do! And no hard feelings. Sometimes it's simply not a fit, so feel free to try it out.


You’re ready to run a real business. Join us if you want everything you need to to attract better leads, feel confident when selling, and build a repeatable, client-satisfying process.

  • 6 Business Management Modules (60-90 minutes each)
     (AKA hours of guidance around pricing, processes, packaging, client management, and more)
  • 4 Marketing Modules (60-90 minutes each)
    (AKA hours of guidance around networking, collaboration-building, LinkedIn posting — and other proven tactics for finding work)
  • 3 MAKE-IT-REAL Challenges scored and reviewed in detail by handpicked prosso you implement what you’ve learned & build strong marketing materials
  • Moderated Slack Community to get questions answered daily by experts
  • LIVE Bonus Masterclasses from Estie Starr
  • LIVE Bonus Masterclass from Nechy Sampson
  • Complete Vault of 7 past Expert Masterclasses
  • LIFETIME Access to all videos + materials + calls
  • The Complete Freelancer Contract — so you can prevent 92% of all client management issues
  • The Complete Retainer Contract — so you land retainers that make you and your client happy, for the
  • The Ultimate Proposal Template so you create proposals that impress & convert, even if it's your first
  • The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Copywriters — so you skip the agony of second-guessing every quote, and make sure you’re not highballing...or lowballing

/ month 
(four payments)

Pay upfront and get a $140 discount!
(one-time payment)

Enrollment ends Wednesday November 1, 11:59 pm ET


The Profitable Freelancer is an 8-week course that will begin November 6.

Want to speak to a previous grad directly — or have any questions for our team?
Please contact us at

Concerned about ribbis?

Concerns about the prohibition of paying and accepting interest (“ribbis”) 

The nature of paying for a course is such that, for students who pay in installments, the total of all the installments is the real price. For students who elect to pay all upfront, the “upfront price” includes a discount that is awarded for early payment. Therefore, students who forfeit the early-payment-discount by choosing not to pay upfront are not transgressing the prohibition of paying interest (provided that the final installment is paid no later than the day on which the course ends). Additionally, students who receive the discounted price by electing to pay all upfront, are not transgressing the prohibition of receiving interest, since they begin receiving value immediately upon payment (they'll receive a proprietary PDF resource via email immediately after purchase).

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee for You

I am so confident in this training program, I offer a money-back guarantee. If you spent 14 days in this program and don't feel it's a good fit for you...

Just contact us and you’ll get 100% of your money back.


So there's no risk. It's either money well spent, or money not spent.


Here today,
gone tomorrow


that show you how to stand out in a crowded marketplace, price things right, nail proposals + sales calls,
manage clients, and effectively communicate your value.

So you get steadier leads, happy to pay your rates. And you don’t stress out about missing payments or nightmare clients.


  • You are NOT a Freelancer: Mindset, Money, and Other Key Secrets You Need to Know
  • But... How Do I Price This??? A Fundamental Guide To Pricing & Packages
  • Secret of the No-Brainer Sale: How to Spot Great Clients — and Close the Deal
  • Cool as a Cucumber Part 1: How to Manage Clients So You Don’t Develop an Ulcer
  • Cool As A Cucumber Part 2: How to Write Professional, Polite Emails That Get Positive Responses
  • Tricky & Sticky Email Workshop: Practical + Professional (and Sanity-Saving) Email Strategies
  • Build a Lean, Mean Marketing Machine: How to Consistently Generate Leads
  • The Picture-Perfect Profile: How To Build a Sales-Boosting LinkedIn Profile — Even If You Never Post
  • The Zero-Fluff LinkedIn Workshop: How to Use LinkedIn to Get More (and Steadier) Leads
  • The IT Factor: What Sets Apart Star Freelancers (and How You Can Become More Like Them)



  • *LIVE* Bonus Masterclass by Estie Starr: The Client Conversion Kit
  • *LIVE* Bonus Masterclass by Nechy Sampson: Marketing Strategy 102
  • Bonus Masterclass by Elisheva Perlman: The Building Blocks of Masterful Branding
  • Bonus Masterclass by David Fryman The Complete Freelancer Guide to Business Setup
  • Bonus Masterclass by Yoel Judowitz: Master the LinkedIn Game
  • Bonus Masterclass by Abbey Woodcock: All Weather Clients
  • Bonus Masterclass by Dov Gordon: The Elegant Sales Conversation
  • Bonus Masterclass by Wendy Maynard: Create a Webinar that Sells for You on Autopilot
  • Bonus Masterclass by Amy Posner: Align Price and Position...and Land Better Clients


  • Access to a unique, private forum, so you can ask questions, hash over classes, set goals, get support, and find creative buddies
    who’ll remain friends waaaaay after the course ends
  • 3 reviewed + scored assignments, so you get a chance to practice what you’ve learned and make sure you’re applying it right
  • The Complete Freelancer Contract, so you can prevent 92% of all client management issues
  • The Complete Retainer Contract, so you land retainers that make you and your client happy, for the long-term
  • The Ultimate Proposal Template, so you create proposals that impress & convert, even if it's your first
  • The Ultimate Pricing Guide for Copywriters, so you skip the agony of second-guessing every quote, and make sure you’re not
    highballing...or lowballing
  • Go-to Business Management Checklists you'll pull out again and again

Still on the fence?

If you're ready to stop:

  • Winging it...and winging it
  • Counting the minutes at a job you dread
  • Doubting yourself and your abilities

Then I'd love to welcome you into
The Profitable Freelancer 6.0.

Zero risk. 14-Day Money Back guarantee

Contact hello@copytribe.co if you'd like to be put in touch with a previous grad directly.