- Comprehensive interviews with key stakeholders to complete a detailed questionnaire, analyze existing materials, and crystallize distinct services + target markets.
- Customized questionnaires to collect info for team bios (where relevant)
Gathering of critical voice-of-customer messaging and powerful testimonials via:
- Targeted customer survey (we create it, you send it out)
- Up to 3 one-on-one interviews with your best customers:
- Coordination: personalized invites + scheduling
- Execution: a thorough (but non-interrogative) interview that makes you look GOOD
- Data Organization: Organizing the mass of information so it becomes understandable, useful, and...actionable.
Review of all feedback from past and current customers to mine messaging gold.
- Careful review of:
- all online reviews and any customer feedback acquired to date.
- Google Analytics, heat maps, and chat logs to assess current site’s strengths and weaknesses.
- online customer reviews for similar services and/or products.
Thorough analysis of competitors’ websites & branding to pinpoint market weaknesses — and get a good understanding of your positioning potential.
Beautifully-designed PDF deliverable that serves as a comprehensive verbal identity & positioning guide:
- Outlines the conclusions of all research & competitive analysis
- Ensures a powerful, consistent voice across all touchpoints — for today, and for all future marketing materials.
- Articulates all foundational positioning & messaging elements, including:
- Brand personality
- Brand mission
- Brand values
- Elevator pitch
- Brand promise
- Unique Selling Point
- Core Benefits
- Objections + Hesitations
- Brand Voice
- Bonus Messaging
- Customer Persona
- Recommended site navigation with clear explanations, based on gathered research.
- Page breakdown (parent pages, child pages)
- Page titles
- Engaging, SEO-optimized copy that gets your best prospects clicking
- Two rounds of revisions
- Clear, detailed direction for your designer and developer, including images, font sizes, and recommendations for layout
- Ongoing collaboration with your designer, developer, and SEO professional (to ensure a final product that makes this perfectionist do a happy dance)